Monday, 20 April 2009

Advertising Tips All Small Business Owners Should Know

In an optimal world, customers would come directly to businesses without the use of any form of advertising methods. Unfortunately, with the vast amount of competition on the market, small businesses need as much help as they can get to grow. Advertising is one of the most essential aspects to owning a small business. Sure, a business can have a great product or service, but without a customer base, what good is that product or service? By utilizing the following advertising tips, small businesses can see a return on their investment with sales success and customer growth.
Tip #1 – Take advantage of free advertising. This, by far, is the best advertising tip available. Why pay for advertising when you can get it for free? Make your small business known by getting out in the community. Sponsor cleaning up a roadway and have your business’ name posted on a roadway sign. Volunteer to answer telephones at a public television pledge drive and have your company’s name mentioned as a volunteer. The key to getting free advertising is to get involved and be seen. When volunteering your company, people will begin to associate your company’s name with your face. This will lead to greater recognition in the community and the chance to network and reach new customers.
Tip #2 – Tis better to give than receive. Donate a service or item as much as possible to promote advertising of your small business. From school raffles to charitable auctions, buy donating a gift or service, your small business will gain recognition and a customer. While this customer may not be paying, he or she can spread positive word-of-mouth about your business to others; especially if he is she is extremely pleased with service provided.
Tip #3 – Advertise, advertise, advertise! While you may be satisfied with the increase in business, the best advertising tip is to keep advertising. Since customers can come and go, a business should always look to replace departing customers and/or expand. By keeping a constant and changing advertising campaign, small business owners can manage customer growth and adapt to industry changes.