There is always much ado about multi level marketing being a scam and about the business model being fundamentally flawed. Sometimes, these kinds of acclamations are indeed valid. There are multi level marketing plans that are nothing more than scams, and there are other multi level marketing plans are absolutely certain to go bust.
But that doesn’t accurately describe all multi level marketing programs. After all, there have to be some of them that are success stories, as even with all of the detractors out there, this business model is not going away any time soon. So, setting aside the multi level marketing programs that are out and out scams, the real question you need to ask yourself before getting involved in such an opportunity is whether or not it is right for you. Do you have the skills required to make a legitimate multi level marketing opportunity a success?
If you listen to a sales pitch your average multi level marketing person, you may think that there is no way you can fail at their program. They seem to suggest that failure is reserved for those who don’t have the common sense and vision to take them up on this opportunity and to capitalize it’s potential. They also seem to suggest that you can pull off their program without investing a lot of time and energy into. It is indicated that the money essentially just rolls in.
Well, if you’re signing up for a multi level marketing program because you think it will make you rich overnight and you like the idea of not working a lot, turn around and head for the door. The fact of the matter is that multi level marketing requires as much – if not more – work than your average business. These schemes often appeal to people who don’t really want to work, which is why so many of them end in disaster. If you don’t have the desire or discipline to put a lot of hours in, then multi level marketing is not for you.
Next, take some time to seriously evaluate how well you sell. Multi level marketing isn’t like selling a pair of shoes at the mall. It isn’t really even like selling a car. You have to be pushy without turning people off, and you have to be aggressive without coming across as the last person anyone would want to buy something from. You’re going to have to turn to your family and friends to make some sales, and that is going to be tricky and uncomfortable. Are you willing to take that chance? Are you able to figure out when is an ok time to make a sales pitch and when is not? Be aware that with multi level marketing, you have to strike a delicate balance between maximizing your sales and not alienating people, and it is here that people often fall flat on their face.
Honest evaluation of your skill set and your abilities will help you figure out whether or not you are made for multi level marketing success.