Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Working From Home And Inclement Weather: How Mother Nature Can Ruin Business

When people begin work at home careers, they often imagine the future in terms of large income earned and the great advantages that come from being one’s own boss.  The advertisements for home job opportunities are ripe with luxurious daydreams about travel and comfort.  The reality of working from home is often much more practical.  Dealing with the details of every day life and preparing for possible crisis can separate successful businesses from those that don’t live past the first few fruitless months.  Mother Nature can provide some stunning hurdles to overcome.  Inclement weather can provide really good direction towards protecting your new business prospects.


Snow days earned the status as most fun weather happening in childhood when schools would close in deference to those fluffy inches.  As a child, you could go out and play in the snow or stay in where you were warm and snug, but you didn’t have to work.  As an adult, snow days can create distractions when kids are home and business still calls.  On those days when you find your normal routine disrupted and are called to juggle more than just working from home, realign your daily goals towards those that are more realistic with your increased distractions.  Adjusting your timetable for completing a project to allow for the needs of your kids while they are home will decrease your frustration and make the special day more enjoyable.


Rainstorms carry several threats to your ability to productively continue working from home.  The more enjoyable aspect of rainy drawbacks include an increased tendency towards naps.  Unfortunately, these conditions are ripe for storms which carry several more vengeful threats.  Loss of electricity due to storms can halt all work efforts for hours up to days.  Equipment failure due to sudden electrical outages sometimes results in loss of documents or data, which can set projects back.  Floods, the flipside of storms, produce thousands of dollars in equipment damage for home based workers every year. 


Fires, like floods, can be devastating to home businesses.  Not only can fire halt work and ruin equipment, bad fires can completely displace homeowners, calling into question the home business’s chances for ultimate success.  Fires and floods, therefore, make insurance an essential for anyone considering a home business.  If your home is the heart of your work life and ability to make an income, protect yourself from Mother Nature with a policy that covers your home and business necessities.